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Arming you in your battle for POWER.
“What is good? All that heightens the feeling of power, the will to power, power itself in man.”
The world is Power. Nowhere is this more clear than in the field of athletics. At StratFit we're developing your tools to dominate your world and TAKE THE FEILD IN GOD MODE.
When you train with us at our Strategic Fitness Studio we will deploy the Arsenl in your training!
Components of the Arsenal

Explosive Strength Device
Acceleration Strength Device
Overloaded Eccentrics. Electromagnetic Controlled Automatically Unloading Weights.
Height and Lift Specific Settings. Coach’s Kill-Switch for Variable Functionality. Revolutionary Design.
Accommodating Resistance.
Easy Setup. Quick-Change Height and Lift Specific Settings.
The Force-Time Curve and the Arsenal
God Mode Jumping, Kicking, Throwing, and Punching Power.

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